Academic Institutions

Academic institutions may purchase annual site licenses to NCSS. The academic software license is available to all faculty, staff, and students within the specified department or institution. An annual license includes free upgrades to the latest version of NCSS during the course of the licensed period. Please contact us or email to make inquires or to obtain a quote for an academic institution license to NCSS.

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"PASS 13 is fantastic! Better than my new dishwasher and microwave combined."

Dr. Barbara Tabachnick, CSUN, Author

As Statistician teaching statistics in the University, I have to say that NCSS is the tool that I have used since 1997. With all the procedures that you need for research or to make a good, informative presentation, it can be used for teaching in a university. Here in Idesem-Chile we have found it to be the best tool to support our measurement activities. I recommend this tool to make your job more enjoyable!

Frank Gallardo Pastore, Ph.D, AIU, CEO