PASS 2008 Update

Existing customers who own a license to PASS 2008 may download and install this file to update to the latest release of the software. If PASS 2008 is already installed on your computer, you may be asked to uninstall the previous version before installing this new version. Select "Yes" to proceed with the update. Your personal files will not be affected. In this version, PASS has been split from NCSS.

PASS 2008 Download

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File: PASS2008Setup.exe
Size: 33.68 MB
Current Version: 8.0.16
Released: January 27, 2011

Click here for minimum System Requirements

Update Release Notes

This page lists the changes that have been made to PASS 2008 since March 16, 2007.

January 27, 2011

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem in Non-Inferiority and Equivalence tests for two proportions using odds ratios. The power was not being computed correctly.

2. This is the final update to PASS 2008.

September 8, 2010

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem in Repeated Measures ANOVA with the standard error of the effect (Sm) for k-way interactions where k > 2. Sm was not being computed correctly from the user input.

August 25, 2010

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem with the Intraclass Correlation procedure. When searching for R1, the plot was plotting R0 instead of R1.

January 14, 2010

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem with the Hotelling's T2 procedure. When solving for N or N1, the power input was being interpreted as beta and vice versa.

November 3, 2009

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem with the One Sample Proportions Test. A "subscript out of range" error was fixed.

September 14, 2009

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem with the Inequality Tests for Two Correlated Proportions in a Matched Case-Control Design routine. Some of the calculation results were not being displayed.

August 18, 2009

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem with Equivalence Tests for Two Means in a Higher-Order Cross-Over Design using Ratios. The procedure was not displaying the correct value for RU when entering 1/RL for RU. The power calculations were not affected.

November 6, 2008

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct minor issues. Clarification was made in the Lakatos survival routines for the Proportion Lost or Switching Groups parameters.

August 5, 2008

1. PASS 2008 updated to correct a problem in the Poisson Regression routine when a Normal distribution with variance unequal to 1 is used for the distribution of X1. The power was being underestimated.

May 13, 2008

1. PASS 2008 updated to fix inconsistencies in the two-sample t-test input window power specification box.

January 14, 2008

1. PASS 2008 updated to fix the Chi-Square Effect Size Estimator. Some important boxes were hidden from view.

January 4, 2008

1. This release represents the final release of PASS 2008. The update adds the following new procedures to PASS 2008:

  • Mixed Models
  • Randomization Lists
  • Kappa Test for Agreement Between Two Raters
  • Confidence Intervals - Means (6 Procedures)
  • Confidence Intervals - Proportions (2 Procedures)
  • Confidence Intervals - Regression Slope
  • Confidence Intervals - SD/Variance (8 Procedures)
  • Confidence Intervals - Correlation
  • Cochran-Armitage Proportion Trend Tests
  • Normality Tests
  • Design of Experiments (9 Procedures)

2. User's who have already purchased a license to PASS 2008 should download and install the update to add the new procedures. There is no additional charge to add these new procedures if you already own a PASS 2008 license. Your current PASS 2008 serial number will automatically unlock these new procedures after you install the update.

December 7, 2007

1. PASS 2008 updated to fix a problem with the Multiple Comparison (Simulation) routines. The program was interpreting power (and beta) inputs incorrectly.

November 2, 2007

1. PASS 2008 updated to fix a few typographical errors in the menus.

October 24, 2007

1. Release of PASS 2008 and NCSS 2007/GESS 2006 (Version 1). These new versions separate NCSS/GESS and PASS into two programs that operate independently of one another. These new versions of NCSS and PASS allow the user to function in a limited user (XP) and standard user (Vista) environment without problems. The Settings, Data, Junk, Report, and Macros folders have been moved to your 'My Documents' folder into a subdirectory named 'NCSS'.

2. Both NCSS 2007 (Version 1) and PASS 2008 are fully compatible with Windows Vista.

3. PASS 2008 adds several new procedures and features to PASS, including new survival analysis tools, microarray gene expression comparison tools, an enhanced user interface, an improved PDF help system, and the ability to create macros, which add programmability and streamline repeated tasks.

4. PASS 2008 has been released before all procedures have been added so that users can immediately begin taking advantage of the new features offered by PASS 2008. Purchasers of PASS 2008 will receive many additional procedures as they become available during 2008 at no additional cost.

5. All templates from previous versions of PASS are fully compatible with PASS 2008.

6. The upgrade also includes an improved help system that consolidates the PDF documentation and the Help System. Adobe Reader Version 7 or later is required to use the new PASS Help System. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader by clicking on the link below. The new help system is fully compatible with Windows Vista.

July 19, 2007

1. PASS 2005 updated. Incorrect starting values were computed for the Holladay model in the curve fitting routine. Inconsistencies were found in sample sizes for nonparametric tests (Wilcoxon & Mann-Whitney) in PASS. Syntax errors in user-written macros were causing the program to terminate. Mixed Models variance component estimates were incorrect in some models with large numbers of repeated measures.

June 25, 2007

1. PASS 2005 updated. The PASS Confidence Interval for One Proportion procedure was giving incorrect results for some sample sizes due to internal rounding error.

March 16, 2007

1. PASS 2005 updated. Help file compatibility issue with Windows Vista fixed. You can now download a Windows Vista update from Microsoft to allow you to view the help file.

"Your [PASS] routines are flexible and easy to use and your customer service and support is A-double-plus."

Nayak Polissar, PhD

"PASS is a great program. It does so much and is easy to use. It’s much better than the other sample size programs I’ve used—it has helped me greatly in my research."

Ken Lawson, Ph.D., The University of Texas